Information Technology is at a level it has never been at before. Through the internet anyone can post any sort of information and appear as an authority figure. This information may not have a viable source and it is often affected by any bias it comes across but, it is reviewed as a fact. Many times people have re-posted a link on social media such as Facebook without checking the validity of the reported information. Furious or passionate this web user now spreads this news with either magnificent support or vilifying contempt and this reaction spreads like a wildfire. Opposed views offended by the massive subjectivity in the shared link argue subjectively against the internet activists who spread the information and instead of an objective debate the interaction between people; neighbors, friends, family, degrades into subjective arguments based off feelings with minimal facts off a post that holds no authority. Any individual of any age can obtain any sort of information they seek and take it as Gospel. This is a gargantuan portal for false information or false impressions to reach the public widely causing massive, senseless arguments which only serve to segregate those individuals and parties with opposing views. The Internet is not the only portal that causes this destruction however, popular television stations and other versions of media do exactly the same by feeding off people's need for immediate gratification which they satisfy by not confirming the information presented by sources.
One of the most direct methods of communication the media exercises is television talk-shows. These shows are well-tuned, precisely crafted traps for the viewer. These talk shows are presented in all sorts of different views. They may be looking at the same information but the view is entirely different. Like looking at yourself in a fun house, the person is the same person but the twisted relay of the information completely distorts what we are seeing. When you watch these talk-shows you can choose the image you want to see; if you want to see news on the government shutdown of 2013 through a liberal perspective you can turn on MSNBC. If you are looking to see that same event through a conservative perspective you switch over to Fox News. For each perspective there seems to be a talk-show masquerading as a newscast to convince you of whatever bias that corporation supports. Many people watch these talk shows thinking that they are newscasts when in reality they are not newscasts at all. They are merely talk-shows to entertain individuals of a specific bias by giving them complicated information in a simple way that conveys powerful emotion to make it more entertaining. It's difficult to hold the viewers at fault sometimes though, when these corporations go through significant measures to deceive the viewer into believing their talk-show is a newscast. Take a look at this screenshot from Fox Network's talk show Hannity.
Hannity is not the only show that deceives its viewers into taking the relayed information for granted though. To be fair, a lot of the main media corporations have their own deceptive talk-show where people are easily fooled into the often unprofessional, ad hominum jests and insults are considered politically correct news.
Take a look at MSNBC's show starring Keith Olbermann.
Citizens United aided in the destruction of the traditional American process of politics. Where politics might have been about how many American people preferred a candidate, the deciding factor is now how much money a politician can raise in his campaign. Of course, corporations and other organizations usually ask for something in return for their support. Often times a candidate is forced into a situation where he has to say "No matter what, if this issue comes up I'm on your side" regardless of what stance the people he is supposed to represent want to take. By the time the candidate can make it to the primary elections his positions are pre-determined regardless of what the people want because of all the deals he had to make to get himself to that level. A democracy, even a Republican Democracy is run by the votes of the people but, now without anyone having noticed: the elections have become purely about fiscal power. Our very system of government has changed, our very foundation of our existence and nobody has noticed. Instead, we only continue to play our part as the media's pawns. How long will our country last when it is not run the way it was intended to? And how long will the American people stand for their opinions and desires being tossed aside or their intentions warped by the bought-out representatives and other public offices meant to stand up for them?
What's your take on the Polarization of America? How do you think we should help? See my next blog to see some of my recommendations. I encourage you to post a comment with your point of view, I only ask that we do so respectfully and professionally.
***The Original Intent of this Document is for Educational Purposes***
***I do not claim the ownership of any provided images and acknowledge the images as belonging to their proper parties***
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