Thursday, March 20, 2014

The American People and their Government or The Government and their people?

As the world's technology has evolved communication technology has continued to be improved. Paid messengers are rarely necessary in the world of smart phones where calling, e-mail, and texting are all readily available. The Political process is faster now that political advertising can be expedited and the process can be completed in record time and people spend the gross amount of their time entertaining themselves with the plethora of entertainment forms offered to them such as phone apps, console gaming, PC puzzles, the list goes on. A lot of this society's accessibility that we praise so highly is an indirect cause of so many of the troubles we feel so strongly about.

(This image belongs in its entirety to

If people spent less time distracting themselves and submerging themselves with constant entertainment they would be more conscious of the world events and political events that will affect their lives around them. The Federal Government has reached a point where it holds more power over the United States than ever before. It has come to a point where it is almost more appropriate to call us the country of America than the United States of America. Instead of the States coming together to form the government, corporate involvement has allowed the government to form the States. It has come to the point that despite the wishes of a state the Federal government can make and enforce a law. One example is the anti-discrimination law of Arizona. The people of Arizona put forth a bill that would allow business-owners to select what audiences they serviced in such a way as to not violate their own personal beliefs. As it stands, a business-owner reserves the right to refuse business for any reason so long as said reason is unnamed however, if a business-owner wants to be honest about why they will not service a given demographic they are now discriminating and can be sued. So as long as they are dishonest about their reasons, they're fine but, if they should want to be transparent as to their reasoning they are discriminatory.

Regardless of what you think of the bill, the bill was vetoed. Why? Not because Arizona voters voted it out but, the Federal government put so much pressure on Arizona State Government relabeling the bill as an "Anti-Gay Bill" despite that the bill is not centered at all upon the LGBT community. The Federal government has an intimate relationship with many of the major news outlets as I demonstrate in my previous blog "From Parties to Factions" and single-handedly manages to distort images they do not approve of to make them offensive to the general public. How so? Despite this law being vetoed religious business-owner's retain the right to openly refuse an individual service without being sued for discrimination if serving in this situation would violate a religious value of theirs. The document that protects this right is the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Yet, America at large does not fight this act because the Federal government has not made it a hot button topic and twisted it in a way to make it appear as if it is an instrument of hateful targeting instead of a shield of individual rights.

Many people have not heard or do not pay attention to matters such of these because they simply choose to spend their time elsewhere. We have a society where many people prefer instant gratification instead of responsibility and so they are consumed with all the luxuries that are so readily available to them and neglect the gifted responsibility of their citizenship. In this sort of society, the government thrives and grows with weakened constraints tying down it's power. For American people to turn around and claim such passion against this government is a hypocrisy when they have chosen to do nothing about it.

(This image belongs entirely to

How have you given to the United States? Are you prepared for a government ruled lifestyle? There are those willing to die to protect your freedom; will you even stand up for it?

***This document's original intent is for Education Purposes***
***Any allusion or likeness to specific corporations or government figures is unintentional***

I encourage you to post your comments respectfully.

1 comment:

  1. What we could do for this is have a general conscription program for everyone to do some civic service, we could even have mandatory conscription of, say, everyone 25-26 who is able to be a teacher for K-12 students in public schools, or, more radically, be in the military.
    However, I think the current main concern of the people is hyper-partisanship, and it will take an amendment like mine ( which results in mandatory negotiation between parties else the people can vote to downsize the federal government for 4 years.
